Blogs > Lighten Up with Lisa

Lisa Scheer, of Mentor, has a big goal for the contest - to get off her diabetes medicine. The 54-year-old will be working out hard in hopes of getting back into size-12 clothes.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fantastic boot camp today

Lesson one: eat before you workout! DUH! My bad as I didn't realize how hard the class would be.  I needed more than a cappuccino and strawberries. Next time it will be a protein shake and some substantial carbs.

Glad to workout with fellow Lighten Up participants.

After the boot camp I went for car service to get my oil changed and tires rotated; but before that I just had to stop at Marshals...well it was on the way.  Classic Toyota has K-cup coffee and fresh fruit in the service waiting area...which of course I sampled.  I also managed to visit Sam's Club where they had some free health screenings. I am proud to say I had my body fat measured; albeit still high  had decreased from January and also my BMI has decreased. My blood pressure was normal. They also took a little blood to test for allergies and the results will be available to my email in six to eight weeks. Since we had such a mild winter a heavy allergy season has been predicted. This is not good as I suffer from seasonal allergies.

I managed to make it home in time to have a healthy lunch and then prepare for dinner. My special stir-fry chicken .


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